Our values and vision

The basis for how we act and reach strategic decisions

Our mission statement underpins everything we do. It describes our values and vision and sets out our goals. It guides us and helps us to focus on what is most important.

Our mission statement is a promise to our customers, partners and employees. It highlights to them what we stand for and what is important to us. It helps us build a shared company culture and strengthens our sense of togetherness.

Our mission statement is a key part of our corporate identity. We are proud of this statement and are committed to abiding by it in order to reach our goals and achieve success in the future.

Corporate mission statement

Customer orientation:
Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance for us. This is why all our activities are structured around ensuring that we fulfill our customers’ needs. We also endeavor to please our customers through our commitment, reliability, ability to meet deadlines and the quality of our translations.

Employee orientation:
We understand that all our employees are critical to our success as a company and therefore strive to make the most of their individual skills and to strengthen their awareness in matters of quality, energy efficiency, safety at work and environmental protection.

Process orientation:
From the initial contact with the customer right through to creating invoices, all our processes and procedures are well managed and adapted to customers’ needs. Our processes are controlled by key performance indicators as well as strategic and operational goals.

Laws and regulatory requirements:
We take seriously our duty to comply with applicable local, national and international laws.

Data and information protection:
We ensure that both our own and third-party data, in particular customer information and data, is protected from unauthorized use, processing, disclosure, etc. This also includes the security of information processed, stored and transmitted electronically in accordance with GDPR.

Corporate social responsibility:
We encourage respect and trust in our dealings with each other, promote equal opportunities and do not tolerate any discrimination towards employees on the basis of ethnicity, gender, marital status, age, disability or on any other basis. We respect human rights, do not tolerate child labor and provide fair working conditions which includes fair payment conditions.

Energy efficiency and environmental protection:
We are committed not only to preventing environmental damage but also to doing our best to reduce resource and energy consumption and minimize emissions and waste so as to make an active contribution to protecting our environment.

Occupational health and safety:
Safety management at our company, and in particular our occupational health and safety policy, has been put in place to protect employees and partners from potential dangers. Accidents, occupational illness and work-related health hazards should be identified in advance and preventative measures put in place.

Continuing development:
So as to be able to secure the future of our company, our company consistently aims to achieve ongoing improvement (in relation to quality, environmental protection and safety at work) and, consequently, to remain open to change and suggestions.

Objective approach to decision-making:
We reach effective and logical decisions by compiling and analyzing statistics, data and facts.

Relationship to suppliers:
In our relationships with suppliers and subcontractors, we make conscious efforts to ensure these relationships are built within the framework of a partnership and that they are optimized to achieve the best possible results for both parties.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

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