Our customers

Communicating worldwide since 1990

Since 1991, intelliText SprachenService has been advising, supporting, and providing language services to companies from a wide range of industries, from small businesses to global corporations. Pharmaceutical companies, clinics, mechanical engineering firms, IT companies, universities, legal and patent attorneys are among our customers, as are advertising agencies, online companies, start ups and news magazines.

This diversity is made possible by an extensive, mature pool of employees. Suitable linguists for special projects are selected according to intelliText SprachenService’s high quality guidelines.

A small excerpt from our list of customers:

What our customers have to say

   “...on time and flawless as always!”

Susanne Kilb 

“We are very happy with your translation services; timing was good, highly profes­sional behavior, good commu­nic­ation in case of a delay – overall, great compliments go out to them”

Steffen Lindner
Palmer Hargreaves GmbH

“...we appreciate the co-op-er-a-tion very much – especially in terms of your willingness to work”

Jaël Hoffmann
Staufen AG

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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Übersetzungen ab
€ 59,50
Officially certified
translations from
€ 59.50
ترجمة معتمدة رسمية من
€ 59.50
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переклади від
€ 59.50
فرم ترجمه
رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
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onaylı çeviri:
€ 59,50