The team

For each project, a personal project supervisor is available to you from the very beginning to design the process according to your wishes. This way, you are always informed about the current status of your project and we can respond flexibly to your needs.

Multilingual translations are coordinated and delivered on time from a single source. Your documentation is ready for use in different target countries at the same time.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your contact partner

Inge Poths

Inge Poths

General Manager

+49 931 660770   
+49 931 6607711

Elena Kleinschrod

Elena Kleinschrod

Head of Project Management

+49 931 6607717
+49 931 6607711

Rainer Schediwak

Rainer Schediwak

Project management / Accounting

+49 931 6607724
+49 931 6607711

Ulrike Siml

Ulrike Siml

Project Management

+49 931 6607726
+49 931 6607711

Mila-Theres Wendland

Mila-Theres Wendland

Project Management

+49 931 6607712
+49 931 6607711

Yannick Kraus

Yannick Kraus


+49 931 6607718 
+49 931 6607711 

Katharina Reiter

Katharina Reiter


+49 931 8807576 
+49 931 6607711 

Claudia Klemm

Claudia Klemm

Sales Assistance

+49 931 660770  
+49 171 9723800  
+49 931 6607711  

Angeline Sim

Angeline Sim


+49 931 6607716 
+49 931 6607711 


Head of the Good Mood Department

Bibble is a one year old female Shih Tzu / Pomeranian and always brings good humor to the office with her lively nature. She is also a professional taster and bravely sacrifices herself to taste any food the employees eat. She reliably sounds the alarm should a pigeon attack us or a truck rattle too loudly outside. Bibble is happy about every customer that visits us at intelliText and is sure to put a smile on your face and leave a trace of dirt on your pants.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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Übersetzungen ab
€ 59,50
Officially certified
translations from
€ 59.50
ترجمة معتمدة رسمية من
€ 59.50
Офіційні засвідчені
переклади від
€ 59.50
فرم ترجمه
رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
Şu dilden resmi
onaylı çeviri:
€ 59,50