Offer preparation

  • How much does a translation cost?

    The cost of a translation depends on the file format, language combination, and subject area. Urgency can also be factored into the price in the form of a rush surcharge. Feel free to send us your documents via the contact form; we will reply as soon as possible with a non-binding offer!

  • How do you calculate a price?

    Projects are invoiced based on word or line. By using software tools, you can also save up to 30% per translation on subsequent jobs!

  • Is the offer free?

    Yes, offer preparations are free of charge.

  • How quickly will I receive feedback on my request?

    We will try to answer you as soon as possible within 6 hours. If you have an urgent request, you can also reach us by phone at +49 931 660 77 0.

  • What is a sliding scale and how is it set up?

    We work with translation tools that store source and target segments in the translation memory, which allows us to charge words at a reduced rate for subsequent orders. This is made up as follows:

    100 % of the word price: these are new words – words that have not been translated in any previous text and thus are not in our translation memory and need to be translated from scratch.

    75 % of the word price: Words/phrases that, for example, have already been translated once in a similar document or a previous version of a document and are included in our translation memory are charged at a reduced rate. In this case, the translator usually still has to make adjustments in the new translation despite the existence of a partial translation.

    50 % of the word price: Our translation tool detects repetitive terms/phrases within a text and shows us these in an analysis. These are only charged at half the base word price, since, in principle, the translator only has to translate them once, and the system points out the existing translation to the translator at other spots where these terms/phrases occur. Nevertheless, the translator must check these spots for whether the content fits the surrounding context or whether appropriate adjustments need to be made.

  • How do I know that the price offered by intelliText is also reasonable and not overpriced?

    Transparency through individual consultation and disclosure of word prices.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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€ 59.50
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€ 59.50
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€ 59.50
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رسمی تأییدشده
€ 59.50
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€ 59,50