
  • What file formats can you process?

    Open file formats such as Word, Excel, IDML etc. are best for working with. However, we can also process non-editable graphics or files through file preparation – we will of course make any possible extra costs transparent. Your file format is not listed? Just contact us – we will always find a solution!

  • What is a translation memory (TM)?

    A translation memory is a database, in which sentences, paragraphs, and text segments are automatically stored. For each entry, both the original text and the translation are saved. For future translations, we read the TM into our software, which calculates the matches and thus reducing the cost of your translation.

  • How can larger files be transmitted?

    We can create a personal customer login to our portal for you, so that you can upload the files directly to our server.

  • Do you work with CAT tools?

    Yes, we work mainly with Trados Studio and Across.

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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