Consecutive interpreting

In consecutive interpreting, longer sections of speech are interpreted with a time delay, i.e. consecutively.

What is consecutive interpreting?

Unlike simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter does not speak at the same time as the speaker, but after him/her. Sections or entire speeches are thus translated by the interpreter in the foreign language.

Since this type of interpreting is mainly used for speeches, interpreters have to remember a lot of information. There is a special note-taking technique that interpreters use to write down the speech in order to reproduce the large amount of information. It consists not only of letters and numbers, but also of special symbols and small drawings. With the help of this technique, interpreters can memorize long speeches and reproduce them easily and accurately.

As with all interpreting, it is important that interpreters prepare well for the subject. It is therefore helpful if the interpreter is informed in advance about the individual contents of the speech, the items on the agenda, lists of participants, breaks, etc.

Areas of application:

Consecutive interpreters are especially popular for speeches and lectures.

Are you planning on using interpreters for your event?

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