Conversational interpreting

Conversational interpreting, also called liaison interpreting, is a subtype of consecutive interpreting.

In this case, the spoken word is interpreted with a time delay. It refers to shorter sections of speech, which usually do not require the special note-taking technique of consecutive interpreting.

Liaison interpreting usually does not require any technology. In addition, questions can be addressed to the interpreter, and the interpreter himself/herself can also ask if anything is unclear. This increases the accuracy of the translation and eliminates misunderstandings.

Areas of application:

  • Business negotiations
  • Interviews
  • Meetings
  • Presentations
  • Trade fairs
  • Table talks
  • Technical discussions, e.g. machine introductions, plant tours, factory tours, etc.

In need of an interpreter?

Are you in need of an interpreter, but not sure what type of interpreting is the best for your event?

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