On-site interpreting

We find the right interpreter for every event and for every field of expertise, no matter what language combination is involved.

What is on­site interpreting?

As the name suggests, on-site interpreting takes place on site. It is suitable for almost any event and is the classic form of interpreting. Like online interpreting, on-site interpreting can be simultaneous, consecutive, or conversational.

Advantages of on-site interpreting:

  • Unlike online interpreting, in on-site interpreting there is no (physical) distance between the speakers and the interpreter.
  • An on-site interpreter provides a pleasant atmosphere for the audience.
  • The interpreter has the opportunity to better use and assess non-verbal language such as body language (gestures, posture, etc.).
  • With on-site interpreting there is no risk of the technology causing problems. Technical challenges such as connectivity problems can’t even arise.

Areas of application:

  • In companies, e.g. during discussions with distributors/customers
  • For doctors, between patient and staff
  • Court hearings
  • Weddings
  • Public events, e.g. interviews/ moderated talks

Hybrid events

Hybrid events are also possible – in this type of interpretation, one part of the participants is on site, the other part is connected online – the same applies to the interpreter(s). This form of event is suitable if one or more participants cannot attend the meeting in person, for example due to a long trip. The event can be planned more flexibly.

Interpreting events are very diverse!

We’d be more than happy to help you find a customized solution!

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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