Simultaneous interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting is the master class of interpreting.

In simultaneous interpreting, what is said is reproduced almost simultaneously in the foreign language. The interpreter must therefore simultaneously listen, analyze what is said, and reproduce it in the foreign language. This requires the utmost concentration.  Two interpreters therefore usually take turns every 20 minutes. In addition, if one of the interpreters gets stuck, a colleague can help out or step in quickly. 

Technical requirements:

Simultaneous interpreting on site requires technical equipment such as:

  • Interpreter booths
  • Microphones
  • Person-guided systems
  • Infrared headsets
  • A technician should also be on site to fix technical problems immediately.

Areas of application:

  • Conferences & lectures
  • Shows
  • Presentations
  • TV appearances
  • Talk shows
  • International negotiations
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