Proofreading & editing

Where exactly do the differences lie?

You’ve had a translation done, are in the final stages of your master’s thesis, or have even written a book? Then you have certainly already dealt with the topic of proofreading and editing.

Colloquially, proofreading and editing are often used synonymously. However, editing is much more extensive than proofreading.

© Anastasiia Nevestenko |

What is proofreading?

Proofreading is the classic proofreading of written documents. The text is checked for punctuation, grammar, spelling, and formatting. 

Proofreading is included in all our translations (4-eyes principle). intelliText is also certified according to DIN EN ISO 17100 and 9001, which guarantees the highest possible quality for your translations.

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What is editing?

Editing is much more extensive than proofreading and, in addition to normal proofreading, also includes style issues, as well as the technical content of texts. It is done by a second translator or copywriter. Proofreading is mainly used for books, professional articles, studies, and marketing texts.

Editing by a second translator can be booked in addition to any of our translations. Just contact us

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Contact us if you need proofreading or editing!

intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

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