Terminology management

Uniform terminology in all languages with terminology management from intelliText!

What is terminology management?

Program, application, software, or tool? There is often more than one correct expression for a word. Every company has its own language. With the help of intelliText’s terminology management, we standardize your terms in all desired languages. Whether you prefer a certain word or would rather avoid it. Just let us know your standards and preferences and we’ll do the rest!


  • Content is formulated clearly, consistently, and understandably
  • Text creation in the source language is simplified
  • Faster time-to-market
  • Research and translation efforts are reduced
  • Use of machine translation becomes even cheaper and more effective
  • Creation of a consistent corporate language
  • Legal and safety problems due to non-consistent translations or unintentional misunderstandings are eliminated.
  • Uniform terminology = uniform communication within the individual departments within your company

Higher text quality

With a defined terminology that you use across multiple languages, texts can be created more quickly and trans­la­tions can be completed faster and with a higher quality. The result is terminology that is consistent for all your documents. Consistent use of terminology eliminates misun­der­standings and promises high quality texts entirely in accordance with your wishes.

Uniform technical translations

Especially in technical texts, the uniform use of desig­na­tions is important, as required by DIN standards and machine guidelines.

Consistent brand language

Every company has a different brand image. A consistent brand image also includes the brand language or individual company language and requires the correct translation into the corres­ponding foreign languages. Thanks to intel­li­Text’s terminology management, you will maintain the corporate image you want to convey in any language!

Legal safeguard

Uniform terminology minimizes the risk of errors. This is especially important for legal documents and in technical document­ation. It minimizes your legal risk and guarantees a consistent corporate image in all languages.

Integration of your terminology

Share your technical terms with us in the form of a glossary or let us create a glossary for you. This guarantees you the use of the terms across all languages and media.

© Thomas Berberich
We communicate in your language – worldwide

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intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

Certified translations from €59.50 (incl. VAT)

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