Video subtitling, dubbing & voice-overs

What is video subtitling?

Subtitling is the transcription of what is spoken. The spoken word is presented either in the same language (intralingual) or interlingually, i.e. in a foreign language. Intralingual subtitling is especially suitable for hearing-impaired people. The transfer into a foreign language serves to make the visual material available to a larger audience.

Killing two birds with one stone – intelliText translates and subtitles your videos and films:

  • Image films
  • Commercials
  • Training videos
  • Manuals


  • Tutorials
  • Instructions
  • Interviews
  • Documentaries

What is voice-over?

In a voice-over, the voice of the dubbing artist or narrator is super­im­posed on the original sound. The original soundtrack is turned down a bit without fading it out completely. Voice-overs are mainly used in interviews and document­aries.

What is video synchronization/dubbing?

During video synchron­iz­ation, audio content, such as dialogs, music, or background noises, is added at the appropriate point. Collo­quially, however, video synchron­iz­ation/dubbing is often used for lip syncing. Lip syncing is the master class of synchron­iz­ation. Here, the focus is on making the lip movements of the source speaker match the new language and the speaker so that the viewer does not notice that it is not the original language.

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intelliText LanguageServices is a business unit of intelliExperts GmbH, Local Court Würzburg HRB 12937

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